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What happens in a session?

Getting Started

I provide Art Therapy to individuals or groups. It is important that you find a therapist who is right for you, who you feel safe and comfortable with.  I hold a consultation session each client to discuss needs and expectations. With child clients I will hold the consultation meeting with parent/carer  to establish a working relationship around the needs of the child. If you are happy to proceed we will agree a plan. This will involve committing to a series of sessions. Progress will be reviewed regularly; normally at six weekly intervals.

The sessions
In our plan we will agree the length of a session; this is normally 50 minutes. Clients are encouraged to explore a variety of materials. Everyone works at their own pace and there is no requirement to make art in every session. Usually clients engage in some art making and then we explore the image together. Each client's process is unique.
My approach​
My approach is tailored to meet each client's needs. I believe that therapy is at its most effective when it is a creative experience for the participants.  This is founded on my own experience as a practising artist and guided by a wide range of  psychoanalytical theory including  Object Relations Theory and the schools of Gestalt and Humanist Psychology. My work with children is informed by the framework of Attachment Theory and integrative approaches to Play Therapy. I work within Children First guidelines.


IACAT's Code of Practice

Establishing trust is an important part of the therapeutic relationship. My work is guided by IACAT's professional code of ethics. Central to this is my commtment to maintaining the confidentiality of the sessions within my legal responsibilities and a framework of professional supervision. 


The materials and the art work
I usually provide a variety of materials for you to choose from; this will include opportunities  for drawing, painting and claywork. I encourage clients to explore the range of materials on offer.


The work you make will be yours but I will ask you to leave it with me until the end of therapy. I will look after your work and bring it to each session; regular reviews can help bring new insights and understandings to the process. 

Richard Day
Art Psychotherapist 


Practice based in West Cork and Cork City Ireland

Tel: 0876 933 236





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